Thursday, March 31, 2011
They would say Jehovah will not allow them to teach us falsely, but when did Jehovah become the conscience of anybody? It is the Israelites that they mock. I do know how to explain that.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Everyone can't be crazy. You are right. Someone has to run the world, right? But we crazy people sure wish you would do a better job of it.
Pretty sure
I am pretty sure that 1 Thessalonians 5:2 does not mean what they say it means (that's why I ran away), it means something very important has been stolen. It has to do with ,Noah, the water, the air, and what will happen. They took no note-that is what it means. That is where suicide comes from. The great big lie. You can't see it. I do not know why I can see it.
Stop what?
I am sorry that I sometimes let my thoughts fall off the side of the (flat, sort of*) world. Stop leaning upon your own understanding. In the world I live in, you would say, you stop, I'm not telling you my name, pronouns are so funny, did you ever think of that? Too busy. Oh. I think singular and plural are funny too. I digress. I read too you know. Anyway, one of the things I think I have learned is how not to lean. That is a funny Alice word. Honest to goodness, time is fluid. I'm not obese, just fat. So the clothes don't...
*you can call them stupid, if you want to, but if I were advising you, I would advise you not to.
*you can call them stupid, if you want to, but if I were advising you, I would advise you not to.
False religion
That's the idea from which false religion is born (I'm 50 something). The idea was (I'm talking philosophically) that if something bad will happen if we don't do IT (the thing needing to be done-like breathing) then why not try everything and anything. So one thing to satisfy the IT (which is something needing to be done-one thing I can think of is GROW UP) is stop. Just stop. But please don't kill yourself.
A difference
Sometimes a person or even a group of people come to the erroneous conclusion that the bad thing that happened to them is a direct result of something bad that they did. Sometimes it is true because people brake laws. But in regards to phenomenon that remains unexplained (only because people aren't listening) it happened because of the good thing that they did not do. But not always. There is a HUGE difference. Because one is easy but the other is difficult-to the extreme, but not because of Good, but because of bad. Not bad people, bad Air.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Exodus 34:14
Jehovah is not a jealous God like people are jealous. Jehovah's jealousy is Righteous because it is for the Kingdom and the Kingdom is for the orphans and the widows (James 1:27). But it does not MAKE orphans. You make orphans.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Time warp
The time warp means that your avenging what was, actually caused what was even though it happened before.
I am not afraid of proof, and I do not make it, but who really knows what is under the conscience of Man?
The only mystery about the trinity is why is it still believed. OK it's like dissecting GOD. Even it it were true, it's rude. So I know where to go to learn patience. Whana come? (should I say that?)
Stupid idea
So your stupid idea is to get rid of religion. But children need their father, don't you think? The Father of the one with the power (what we need-you know, in more ways than one) is Jehovah. Do you really think that The God would care about what happens to you if you destroy His children and the memory of them? So the children of God have to go with whoever goes to the future for a good earth. What is done is done. One must learn from it but not take vengeance anymore. You are polluting the power by doing so.
I think it is not too soon to realize that Jesus in his ministry preached the salvation of the world. Of course it includes people individually, but heaven knows humans are destroying themselves and the earth. So "christains" are actually the worse offenders because they interpret the salvation that Jesus holds out to us as personal salvation to heaven or even some reject that interpretation and teach that God is going to give them paradise on earth. But it is our earth. What Jesus teaches is how to get from what we have to what is good for the earth. It is about growing up. It's about time. I do know that space and time are close to reaction. (I know who said "peace and security"1 Thessalonians 5:3. )
Satan said to Eve she would know good and bad if she ate from the tree. Before she looked longingly at the tree there was only one bad thing she could do, but she didn't know that yet because she didn't take from the tree yet. Then when she took it everything went bad. So Satan tricked her it was either nothing or everything. Now that she had done the bad thing Adam knew it and he went with her. It was already done.
Hating confusion
It is hard to talk to someone who knows nothing about the Bible. And harder still to someone who thinks it is less than nothing. But what has to be done has to be done.
Original sin is described by some as the taking of the power that is Jehovah's power. I think not. (ask the computer, i think if the computer had a personality it would call that theory idiot!), but that's another story.
The original sin is attention, not jealousy for power. Because...ask the computer! Why do you not think about it?
Original sin is described by some as the taking of the power that is Jehovah's power. I think not. (ask the computer, i think if the computer had a personality it would call that theory idiot!), but that's another story.
The original sin is attention, not jealousy for power. Because...ask the computer! Why do you not think about it?
Times and Seasons
They are my brothers and sisters, why do they hate me? I can imagine that I or they are not IN the world, but I know by my Bible Study that there is ONE JEHOVAH, so I can not be any where else, but with you. You all have to admit that knowing there is ONE GOD is a good thing. I know it is.
Glory Shame
Philippians 3:19 says "their glory consists in their shame". It means they suffer for to be good, but they imagine they suffer because they ARE good.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Some one might have permission from the heaven of the heavens to lie, so I would, if I had any power at all, step lightly. I do step lightly, but I'm talking about You.
Nobody knows who I am, not even the people that I live with. And I do not care. That is something like opposite of the original sin.
I think logic insists on this; no one with will can be all right or all wrong. That is what the filter is for. If you have a mental filter and you will use it, I think you will not be sorry.
Jesus was not calling the scribes and pharisees hypocrites (Matthew chapter 23). He was taking to another group but they do not listen, that is why they are hypocrites. That is all I have to say about that.
That is how I feel. You want to use force again to do the saving? Why do you not line up to the side of the faithful and discrete slave (Matthew 24:45) and let the Power do it. That is what the power is for, to do. People use prayer to do that, which is a good thing, but need not be shared. (Matthew 6:6) And yes I am trying to save the world, I think, and it's not such a bad job. The power is wanting, is it not?
You want to know who is speaking? Why? If it is the truth, why does it matter who? And if it isn't the truth, it is none of your concern. But if it is not true, and it is being fed to the children, it is a concern to all of us. That looks like a logical equation to me, am I crazy?
Water Babtism
1 Peter 3:21 is the only evidence that the water baptism is the only way to salvation. But I have come to know some who where baptized in water and do know that water baptism is not what the Word is telling. Though, water baptism is a good thing, so it has been allowed. It is obviously NOT for dead ones, GROW UP! So, let them do as they please. Really? That is why you also have the number six. That baptism that Jesus spoke of is the only way to get rid of the number 6. So, I told you Now infected Them (who are dead-they are dead), that is why they tried (by force) to get rid of the word. But I am glad they did not. Amen. I am sure it would have been much worse.
I would never call Jesus a guy!
The "guy" is not Jesus. It is the reporter. I think he is alive, but he never answered my letter.
Already was
The world has been broken, (that is probably why it Looks like it's breaking), the "flood" has occurred (that's why we are floundering on). This could mean that I am believing my own imagination, but there is such a thing as Evidence. The guy didn't want to know it. I am sure I forgive him, but do You? Because, I am sure you can still be counted as a desirable fish, if you try. Being a desirable fish. ( I do not know where they are going.)
And for me, the evidence shows (but I will not settle on anything) that instead of some people using their power for Good, they gave it to someone else, which is bad enough, but then persuaded others to give it away too, and that is what broke the world, in my opinion. Hey! What's Your's? Oh I forgot, you don't Care, but please don't take that to heart. OK, baby?
Think real.
If something IS, but you imagine that it is NOT, it does not make it not, it is still real. So that describes a symptom of the spiritual sickness that suffers the World. It is surely a sad story so people want to change their perception of it instead of putting power to use to change it. It is true and you know it.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Warp and Woof
The law of Moses has commands about the leprosy in the warp or the woof which I think is wonderful that it can be either. Always did, always will. Now I think I know what the spiritual equivalent means. Which is even more wonderful! Ever thought of looking into the Bible?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I do know
I do know what OK means. Ecclesiastes
(The falling book did that, I like it so I will keep it there)
4:4 says everything is vanity and a striving after the wind.. That means everything BUT the one speaking (not me silly!). So everything was vanity BEFORE Christ (that's Jesus). Now everything is not, so I think that is really good, don't you? I do know that Jesus Christ is not vain and is not for vanity. That is what his name means.
(The falling book did that, I like it so I will keep it there)
4:4 says everything is vanity and a striving after the wind.. That means everything BUT the one speaking (not me silly!). So everything was vanity BEFORE Christ (that's Jesus). Now everything is not, so I think that is really good, don't you? I do know that Jesus Christ is not vain and is not for vanity. That is what his name means.
I do not know who they are trying to communicate with, but I am sure they are wasting their time and your money.
The love
They left the love they had at first. (Revelation 2:4). I do know what it is that they left. It is related to the end coming as a thief (1 Thessalonian 5:2). It is not the same thing, but one causes the other. I also do know how it is they are misleading and being misled (and why would I tell you so that you can use prejudice AGAINST someone). I do not believe in fighting. I believe in Jehovah for the Kingdom of God.
OK. So being uncomfortable does not make me happy. Look up Matthew 5:3. I do know what that means, but you do not care, that is very strange to me. I do not understand You. The funny thing is they who can try to communicate with (not me), do not even know how to communicate with these selves. I actually can hear myself think, Can you?
The angel
What if I told you I hear from the angel, would you be interested in that more than a french fry? That's a potato. Or like perhaps a (&%&*&&$$^) image on a (^%^$%$#$#%%*&) window? OK so, maybe the body snatcher's movie scared me as a child. Is this my problem?
I want to know
There is something, the same thing, wrong with everybody. I want to know what it is. Does anyone else want to know?
Is it?
Is this place for selling something? I have something to sell. It's a new idea. But it's free (damn it). WHY do you not care?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Philippians 3:19
Says "and their finish is destruction, and their god is their belly, and their glory consists in their shame, and they have their minds upon things on the earth" . The tradition of the scripture "their god is their belly" that I have heard is that it means selfish eating. But doesn't it mean that they won't believe what makes them FEEL uncomfortable. I speak from experience. But of course I believe even if it is uncomfortable. That is why I am happy.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Confess to what, you might ask. See, I did my Bible study, you did not. So now you do not know. Which is not ha ha, it is sad, but it is never to late to try.
They sell what they believe by pointing to how they prosper, but it is because Jehovah hates a divorcing and that is why they continue to prosper. If they do not confess (as a group-oh my) they will be divorced and we do not want that to happen. OK? Why that would be bad is up to much debate, but I am good at guessing when it counts. But if it is a riddle, then I am a very bad guesser. It is not a riddle. But why should they confess if You have no hope. I mean real hope. So the thing to do is learn how to be quiet*. Do not judge. Hope for what is good. It does take time you know.
*in your heart
*in your heart
I really do sell buttons. But I do not advertise that I do because I would rather not and my own philosophy about life is "when in doubt, don't". I do know that I did not make that up. Also, tomorrow I might not want to anymore. But I do have a lot of buttons. Maybe some day we can talk about buttons. I want tomorrow to come. And I want everyone to want tomorrow to come.
Damn it!
The baby born in heaven pictured at Rev. 12:5 is not Jesus. Now consider this, please, after reading my previous post about the birth of the baby and the dragon nearby, did you think I meant Jesus. You ARE trying to get me in trouble. Please stop.
I forgot zero is also to be considered in the equation. (< > =). You ought to learn also when NOT to consider something that you have thought. Because it will only lead you the wrong way.
A grain
I think everything has at least a grain of truth to it, or it wouldn't be real. Did Dante hate Christians? It is really very stupid to hate Jews and Christians because they are the ones with the will for the future (as a group, you know). So groups are different than people, I can see the difference and it is why I talk like I do.
You mock
I am not mocking You (that means a bunch of people). Does not mocking mean to imitate? I would not imitate you for... never mind. But there is someone mocking someone, I do believe. I would have nothing to do with that. But people are weighing it, but they don't know it. It will come out, if nothing better happens, as it did for the king of Babylon (Daniel 5:25-28), but not the Persians, and they will be found wanting. Which is really what Dante painted I think. Those people are not dead. Which is worse, don't you think?
To believe
What is too common and a shame is to believe what you know. Many do not even know what they believe, which is a pity, but not a shame. And very few are LOOKING for what to believe, which I call the isness. Not the not looking, but the what is. The not looking, I believe is called THE END. There is a little problem with knowing. It can get one excited to act, and of course, everybody know that can be REAL BAD.
This is how your brain needs to think. In real equations. Which mean greater than, less than or equal to. It HAS to be one of those. Never two or ( ) three of those together. So that is how you learn, if you want to. I do not care if nobody wants to think. It used to bother me a lot. But not anymore, I think. I could be wrong.
You who do not believe
That looks hopeless, yes, but please do not forget I'm talking to You, who do not believe. So, yes it is possible, of course to change the present, but not without Jehovah. The Bible says "no foolish jesting" so I won't. But sometimes I sure do feel like it.
You can change the past*, you can change the future, but you can not change the present, because this is where Jehovah is. Jehovah is holy, holy, holy or holyholyholy but backwards from English.
*that is why the angels guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
*that is why the angels guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I am not paranoid. I mean every one and with every thing. Trust. If you don't know what I mean you can ask me. I have a scripture, but I am not going to bore you. I don't think it's boring, of course. Please don't jump to conclusions. I have a scripture for that too, but it's not related.
The problem is not blind faith, it is blind trust. I trust you, oh ya, your nobody. That's right, I trust nobody.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
To you
I mean, not the one who says it, I mean you who ridicule it. And! I don't particularly like thinking FOR YOU. So please stop it. Stop what? BEING STUPID.
I think there is nothing weirder than this: The "fall of Babylon the Great" was so great that it infected the past. Hey! Are You are part of it? I would repent if I was you. Oh by the way (stupid man) the nearness of the end is not in days it is in ability.
The baby
So it's the father of the child that is more likely than not to be at the birth of it. Who is at the birth of the child in heaven?
Logic formula
A formula more like chemistry, not math. Math is numbers, I didn't mean numbers. I have a difficult time remembering more than four numbers at the same time. The equations that I can see have proverbs as the ingredients of the formula. The devil used improper interpretation to trip Jesus Christ. (it didn't work-thank God!) So I want to stay far far away from misunderstanding. Don't You?
The theory about the end is it was. There was no one knowing what we have to know. Now there is. It might be me (I do not believe that I am alone). I am not an alien. OK. It might be a few or many. I do not have that information. I have a lot to say, but nobody to say it to, because of idolatry, which is more than superstition. It is a state of MIND.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hope helps to power the path to tomorrow. But if self-righteousness is prevailing in that hope then conflict is born, which leads to war. I think it always does.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The future
Jesus saying don't let the future hit you. It is a sacred secret. But those men describe time like an arrow, not in those words, time is not what they say it is.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Difference between sheep and goats
Goats are those people who follow the crowd. They need someone else to believe the same thing they do.
Sheep only will follow the shepherd.
So people have questions, not always easy to answer. Other people do not have the question but they know the answer. Which is funny, isn't it? So this thing called game theory should put them together, but it does not, so why?
Sheep only will follow the shepherd.
So people have questions, not always easy to answer. Other people do not have the question but they know the answer. Which is funny, isn't it? So this thing called game theory should put them together, but it does not, so why?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Say it
I don't want to SAY it because it could be scary. Is that ok with you? I do not know what will be but I am sure that it won't be good.
Couldn't believe it.
The last time the world couldn't believe it could happen the bad guy had race wrong. Now the guy has TIME wrong (I don't think it is a pun) and nobody but me cares? It could be the same "guy" but there is no way for me to know. I am not kidding.
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