Thursday, February 14, 2013

What is worse?

Let's just imagine for a second that someone can see something and knows that what is being seen is not being seen by anyone else.  Let's say she who can see has been looking for others who can also see.  And she has not found anyone. Which certainly does not mean that no one else can see.  After a time of several years of looking and nothing being found, how does she feel?  Does she feel as though she has been given food, a drink, clothes or been visited?

I think the only answer must be no.  Can it be yes?  Hello?  LOL

It's not funny.

OK.  What is worse?  Not seeing and saying "I can not see" or not seeing and saying "I can see"?

What are the Christians saying?  What are ALL the Christians saying?   How many are there saying "I can see" but they can not see?

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