Sunday, October 27, 2013

I have read the Jehovah's Witness thread about the revised New World Translation Bible and I am happy it is free on line.

I like that they have changed John 3:17.  It is a good change.  I looked up the related scripture at Matthew 5:3 where it reads "happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" wondering if they had revised it to go along with John 3:17. They didn't.

It was said that the revision was proper because "simply taking in knowledge is not what leads to salvation" and I agree.

But I also think that being conscious of a need does not mean begging for it to be filled.  The scripture at Matthew 5:3 uses the word poor meaning beggerly, not poor meaning a lack of awareness.  It is also used at Mark 14:7 where it says you will always have the poor with you.  Was Jesus saying anything about awareness at Matthew 5:3?  Conscious means aware but I am sure there are poor people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware and there are rich people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware.

Being aware of one's lack and begging for it to be filled are two different conditions.  One does not naturally lead to the other.

The New World Translation is wrong at Matthew 5:3.

Anyone can be conscious of a need and not ask for it to be filled.  Jesus preached it is the asking for the need to be filled that leads to kingdom of the heavens belonging to You.

The NWT has Jesus saying Happy are those who know they are in need.  But he meant happy are those who are begging to be filled.

I realize that an awareness comes before asking (usually).  The  point he is making (Matthew 5:3) is those who are dependant on their true needs being [U]filled by him[/U] are sharers in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

It is about enduring in a beggerly fashion until God exhalts You.  1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

It is NOT about realizing a hunger.  It is about depending on God to satisfy the hunger.

A person who is beggerly in the spirit will KEEP ASKING as in Luke 11:9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

The NWT has it right when it says "keep on asking", which means continue being beggerly in spirit as in Matthew 5:3.

When anyone believes he is full he is leaning on his own understanding which is forbidden, isn't it?  Proverbs 3:5

Do Jehovah's Witnesses wake up each day conscious that they need exalting?  (1 Peter 5:6) No they assume they will be exhalted.  They are filled.  They need not beg anymore, according to them, so according to Jesus the Kingdom is not theirs.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of you. Nice to see you are still around. Sorry I lost contact with my blog. I don't know what happened but I could not access it. Go figure. Anyway I hope doing good.
    May the Lord bless you in all His ways,
