Monday, September 10, 2012

The truth that sets one free

What is it?  I had an epiphany today of what it is.
Whenever I am asking a question in my mind about the nature of Y'Hushua Ha'Mashiyach and I am pondering a scripture I go (by the power of reason) or I am taken (by the power of The Holy Spirit) to another scripture.  I call it twinning.  I like to think of it as the Jacob and Esau phenomenon.

I was thinking of the realization that to be obeying something is to be a slave of it.  People obey doctrine.  They are slaves of doctrine.

Freedom is the opposite of slavery.

To be free by Y'Hushua Ha'Mashiyach means to be free to listen and believe what He is saying.  Like a sheep would a shepherd.  To shed the chains of doctrine is to be free to realize the truth that is being thrown down to the Earth. It is not about works of the flesh.  It is about performance of the mind.  It is the truth that sets the mind free to believe.

Daniel 8:12 And the host is given up, with the continual sacrifice, through transgression, and [B]it throws down truth to the earth[/B], and it has worked, and prospered.

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