Sunday, November 28, 2010

Definition of discrimination

To distinguish accurately is the definition of discrimination FOR PEACE.  (I believe it is Jesus who possesses and protects accuracy.)  Amen.   But what we (the world) HAS is the more common form of discrimination which is making distinction on the basis of prejudice.  According to Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language prejudice is an unfavorable opinion formed before hand or without knowledge.   It is a very bad thing to bury the good kind of discrimination because it is needed for the loving of Jehovah and for the hating of bad (Psalm 97:10).  Right now there is war going on about what is bad.  But the war I can see is in the future.  What is bad is the polluting of good.  Remember Dinah the daughter of Jacob.  Very bad things happened for almost forever because of the clash of prejudice.  I do not like to rant, but I know how.  Maybe when I'm old I'll rant, but not now.

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