Saturday, October 1, 2011

Salvation belongs to Jehovah

If you want to believe that or not it's your problem.
But it is everybody's problem that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
is teaching a new generation of people that the WTBTS is salvation.

Go ahead, I dare you to check it out.
Am I wrong that where they publish God's Name they mean themselves?
Read it.  The Watchtower is easy to find, isn't it?


  1. Hi Nancy! Yes, they do believe they speak for God. This is wrong. We all have free will and we will all be held personally responsible for our actions. I was told by my mother that she would talk to me again if I go back to the meetings and confess the governing body. Well needless to mother still does not have a relationship with me. They have proven time and time again they are a false prophet and the Bible is very clear on how to handle false prophets. Thank you for your support. Honest Hearted

  2. You are welcome! I am sorry about your mother. Many children are given away for adoption. They do not take it personal. You must not take it personal either. Let us please believe that time is truth's friend! Peace!
